La société SOTICI est leader sur le marché africain pour la fabrication de tubes PVC, PE et raccords en PVC.
SOTICI is the first manufacturer in West Africa of UPVC, PE Pipes and PVC fittings.
Tubes PVC Pression
PVC Pressure Pipes
Tubes PVC Assainissement
Tubes Serwer & Drainage Pipes
Tubes PVC forage
PVC Borehole Pipes
Tubes PVC télécom
PVC Telecom Ducts
Tubes et raccords PVC évacuation
Rain & Waste Water PVC Pipes & Fittings
Tubes PEHD eau potable
HDPE Pipes For Water Supply
Gaines ICTA gris et noir
Tubes en polyethylène rainures pour le gainage des câbles
Grooved Polyethylene Tubes for Cable Linings
Tubes PEHD gaines
HDPE Pipes - Telecom Ducts
Tubes orange(PEBD)-ICD
Orange Duct Pipes (LDPE) - ICD